Sunday, April 7, 2024

Family; My Date meets my Family

 The day my date met my Family

Why do I care?  Why do I try to help?


I was at a movie when I got the call, it was my sister, her truck broke down. 

I told my son to go to her and call the Tow truck, to use 1 of our tows in our roadside assistance program. 

He waited almost 2 hours in the cold and still no tow truck. 

It had snowed 2 inches that night and the morning made messy roads, so tow trucks where probably busy, 

He called me as I was leaving the movie theater. Upset and cussing, 

My friend, the guy I was on the date with, was about to meet my family.

I asked him if he wanted to go with me or I could take him home first. I warned him that they are not having a good day and he would see the real side of them. 

He said sure I’ll go and help you.

My sister messages me ‘just pick me up and take me to my truck.’ 

I was like why did you leave him in the cold with your truck? I thought you guys would be sitting in the heat of the car? 

No, my Dad dropped him off and then my sister went back home with my Dad. 

They thought no big deal, leaving the young 21 year old to wait in the cold for the tow truck, which said they were coming at 2pm, I got there at 3:30pm and still no tow truck.

Everyone was in a foul mood. 

I mean who wants to deal with a vehicle breaking down? No one. 

My sister was cussing and fussing, talking about how she feeds my son. I reminded her that I told her over and over to not buy groceries for him, he has $$$ and can buy his own groceries.

I know he does not like to shop or be responsible. 

I know this is why he does not live with me but lives with her, my sister, in his grandparents house,

This is my family. 

My son opens my truck door, cussing and fussing. 

He tosses something that slides down my back and lands beside me and my door. 

What was that?

He sits a box of donuts down on the back seat.

He shuts the door.

My sister says where is he going. Where are my keys?

I look and he has started walking down the street. 

That is what he tossed behind me, her keys. 

Really why be a jerk?

I handed her her keys.

I told her I needed to drive, pick him up and see if he canceled the tow truck. 

I drove past him and pulled in a car detail parking lot, rolled my window and said get in he said no, I’m walking. 


My date looks at me and says you are so calm and patient. 

Well someone has to be. 

I drive back to the gas station, where my sister’s truck broke down. 

I go into the gas station store to get a drink, my date comes and gets a drink too. 

We go back to my truck and called the roadside assistance company. 

They check on the request made by my son. They state that the address was incorrect and that they got an update on that and have moved the case to priority. 

I text my sister, he did not cancel. 

My Mom calls and her friend who has a tow company states that they are busy just give time to the tow we have placed. My Dad is in the background calling my son a baby. 

I grab the box of donuts and ask my date if he’d like one. 

My sister picks a donut too. 

I am stress eating this donut, I say. 

I thought my son would just walk to my house.

He calls, I’m at the library, the tow truck is coming soon, I don’t have my keys to your house, can you come pick me up? Yes I can, ok he says I am going to start walking back towards you. 

I drive to pick my son up.

Then we are all sitting at the gas station, waiting for the tow truck.  

I now introduce my date to my son. 

It is 4:30pm when tow truck arrives. 

My son drives with Tow truck driver. 

My sister drives with me and my date.

We are going to my parents house. 

My sister is on speaker phone with her boyfriend. 

He thinks he can fix her care and she will give him her goods.

She begins to explain to my date and I that this is how she handles getting what she needs. 

Her boyfriend says that he is going to eat her out. 

I laugh.

This is my family, 

My date has met most of them and in a few short minutes, when we arrive at my parents house, he will meet the rest of them.

I gave my son tip money to give to the driver. 

My Dad wants my sister's truck to be out front, but the tow truck driver explains that the gear shifter is stuck and he can’t get the truck close to the curb by parallel parking at this time. 

Thus my Dad has to move his truck from the gravel parking spot out back.  

I carry in the donuts. My Dad said oh that is what we need, I’m like JD bought them. He says why not, I was sitting across the street and was hungry. 

My Dad says oh they will get ate. 

I know, we all already had one. 

I introduced my date to my parents and my brother. 

Update, 2 months later and we are still dating.

Aunt Peggy

 We will be placing you to rest at the cemetery, by your parents, in late April of 2024.  

I will never forget the way that you were there for me, like when you found an officiant for my wedding. When we traveled to Germany together. You were there for me when I thought my marriage was ending the first time. I’ll never forget the weekends that I came over, we would watch TV,  you would let me cry and just helped me get through it. You didn’t judge me when I decided to stay with my husband. A year later you were there when my son was born.

Then 8 years later you stood by me in court for my marriage disillusionment hearing. You drove me & picked up my husband, soon to be ex. Let me say that again, I paid for the dissolution & he had to add his spin on it. He had to be difficult. He said, “I had to drive him there if I wanted this.” 

I had given him years & had grown weary of his non supportive ways. I went to a marriage counselor, who helped me see that I was not in a healthy place. You listened to me as I processed that my marriage was toxic and you loved me through it. 

You stood by my side, we picked him up & drove to court. He walked in with us & agreed. I was so relieved. Hurt, but it could have gone worse. You hugged me & loved me through it. 

We had so many road trips to Florida & Illinois to visit your son, my cousin. We would take his kids & my son to the park, beach, Chuck E Cheese and many other kid places. We made great family memories. 

You were a recovering alcoholic. 

I have no memories of your alcohol episodes.

You never thought you were perfect. 

You always said 1 day at a time. 

You would quote the Serenity Prayer…

“God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking, as Jesus did,
this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
trusting that You will make all things right
if I surrender to Your will;
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with You forever in the next.


                                            written by Reinhold Niebuhr

May you rest in peace Aunt Peggy. 

Love always, 

Your Beckers